Corporate Social Responsibility commitments

Our commitment in social responsibility

The AB7 Group's CSR commitments are based on values shared by its two sites, in France and the United States.

AB7 is able to maintain control over its actions and their impact by internalizing all of its skills and making very limited use of subcontractors and external service providers.

AB7 promotes local purchases, in France and in Florida, and encourages the development of natural, sustainable alternatives and eco-labeled products.

The group's management and human resources department are committed to concrete actions in the social field: job creation, retention, training, health and safety.

The Group's management and its shareholders are committed to a process of continuous improvement.

Some initiatives

In France
In 2021, AB7 Industries becomes a partner of the Association "Planète Urgence" which acts for International solidarity and environmental protection (in particular through tree planting campaigns in Madagascar, Cameroon and Indonesia). AB7 will donate 1% of its turnover In ECOALA eco-detergent products (ECOCERT certified) to the Association.
In the United States
AB7 America has implemented a sustainability program based on the Pet Sustainability Coalition, a non-profit organization of which we are a proud member, that is responsible for providing guidelines for the implementation of best practices to help protect the environment and ensure quality of life for future generations.
AB7 regularly carries out solidarity actions in France, the USA and Latin America.
Some initiatives :
Actions in France 

- Donations to Secours Populaire
- Donations to hospitals
- Donations to animal shelters
- Donations to the Occitanie Football League

Actions in America

- Donations to Latin America (recycled barrels that can contain clothing, food and medical supplies)
- Participating in "Beach Clean-up Days"
- Donations and participation in the Walk for Animals

Donation of hydroalcoholic gels to Secours Populaire during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021
In June 2023, AB7 took part in the "Foulée des entreprises", whose aim is to mobilize companies to raise funds for medical research at the Ligue contre le cancer. AB7 was awarded the trophy for the strongest mobilization in the Corporate Challenge.
In March 2023, AB7 America participated in the donation, and contributed to the "Walk for the Animals" goal.
Beach cleanup in Fort Lauderdale FL with AB7 America employees and their families.
Donation of hydroalcoholic gels to Secours Populaire during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021.
Sending barrels filled with clothing and food to South America.

Gender equality index

AB7 is committed to putting gender equality at the heart of its Human Resources policy.

In accordance with the new provisions of the French Labor Code, AB7 publishes the results of the men and woman equality index every year.

Gender equality index
Period from 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023
Pay gap indicator between women and men
Increase Variance
Indicator rate of
increase between
women and men
Percentage of
employees who
received a salary
increase in the year
following their return
from maternity leave
Number of employees of
the underrepresented
gender among the 10
highest compensation
The Group's action in the area of disability
AB7 is committed to the theme of disability in the following ways:
- the positions available for recruitment are open to people with disabilities.
- the company has entered into partnerships with adapted companies for the subcontracting of personnel with disabilities.
- awareness-raising sessions on the subject of disability are regularly organized for employees and managers.
Quality Commitments

The Quality Management at AB7

AB7 works daily to satisfy its customers by providing them with quality products and services. For this, AB7 integrates quality at all levels:

During the Development Phase

Supplier qualification, document management, protocol writing, risk analysis, ...

During production follow-up

Follow-up of deviations, Out of Specification (OOS) and Tolerance (OOT) management, material qualification, cleaning validation, file review, training follow-up, ...

In continuous improvement

Complaints follow-up, CAPA management, change management, product quality review, performance indicators follow-up, ...


Putting sustainable development at the heart of our priorities

We work to develop eco-designed solutions by integrating life cycle analysis:

  • Raw materials of French or European origin preferentially (natural active substances, biodegradable, recyclable, compostable, biosourced preferred).
  • Responsible production by using resources more efficiently, reducing the volume of waste and eliminating toxic waste and other pollutants safely.
  • Packaging solutions that are smaller, easy to use, have a second life, are recyclable, and reduce your carbon footprint and ours.
We are committed to understanding and integrating your needs at every stage of your value chain.
B-corp Certification
Certified B Corporations™, or B Corps, are responsible companies verified by B Lab™ to meet high standards of environmental and social performance, transparency, and accountability. B Corps are businesses that are committed to using their profitability and resources to make a positive impact on society and the environment.
AB7 America is proud to be part of these certified B Corp™ since 2023.
Message from the AB7 America board:

Thank you very much for your support throughout the years and for the energy you bring to our projects. You are the key to AB7 America’s success, and we are very grateful.

We are developing and improving our current relationships, and new partnerships; initiating new product development projects for the healthcare of our pets and strong sustainable programs for the benefit of everybody. Our future is looking bright.  

We are proud to have become a Benefit Corporation in 2022 and to achieve B Corp™ certification in 2023.

In keeping with our core values, the company carries out actions over the long termthrough specific activities such as:

- Encouraging R&D and commercial promotion of plant-based products
- Working in solidarity with other interested parties for the preservation of the environment
- Promoting humanitarian actions for the benefit of certain populations in need in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Employment of persons with disabilities
- Implementation of major accident prevention policies
- Employee training plans
- Modernization of corporate governance

You will be able to find more details on our actions in the Sustainable section of our Web Site.

Sincerely, Dear Partners, Collaborators, Customers, Suppliers, Members of our Community.

Christophe and Philippe CHELLE